Yale MR14

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Basic information
CategoryReach Trucks
MakeYale MR14
CountrySlovak Republic
Select Currency 
Price Excluding Tax10,315 USD= 10,000 EUR
Tax (20%)2,063 USD= 2,000 EUR
Price Including Tax12,378 USD= 12,000 EUR
Power typeElectric
Serial numberD849T02143M
Maximum lift capacity1,400 kg

Yale MR14

Category: Reach Trucks, Year: 2014, Price: 10,315 USD
Send a message to the seller of this Yale MR14
LOG systems s.r.o.Select contact
Jozef Hales
Košariská 174, 900 42 Dunajska Lužná, Slovak Republic
Telephone:+421 903 656400
Mobile phone:+421 903 656400
Languages:English, Slovak
Marian Babal
Most pri Bratislave 810, 900 46 Most pri Bratislave, Slovak Republic
Telephone:+421 903610959
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